fissa.neuropil module#

Functions for removal of neuropil from calcium signals.



fissa.neuropil.separate(S, sep_method='nmf', n=None, max_iter=10000, tol=0.0001, random_state=892, max_tries=10, W0=None, H0=None, alpha=0.1, verbosity=1, prefix='')[source]#

Find independent signals, sorted by matching score against the first input signal.

Sarray_like shaped (signals, observations)

2-d array containing mixed input signals. Each column of S should be a different signal, and each row an observation of the signals. For S[i, j], j is a signal, and i is an observation. The first column, j = 0, is considered the primary signal and the one for which we will try to extract a decontaminated equivalent.

sep_method{“ica”, “nmf”}

Which source separation method to use, either ICA or NMF.

  • "ica": Independent Component Analysis

  • "nmf": Non-negative Matrix Factorization

nint, optional

How many components to estimate. If None (default), for the NMF method, n is the number of input signals; for the ICA method, we use PCA to estimate how many components would explain at least 99% of the variance and adopt this value for n.

max_iterint, default=10000

Maximum number of iterations before timing out on an attempt.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Argument maxiter renamed to max_iter.

tolfloat, default=1e-4

Tolerance of the stopping condition.

random_stateint or None, default=892

Initial state for the random number generator. Set to None to use the numpy.random default. Default seed is 892.

max_triesint, default=10

Maximum number of random initial states to try. Each random state will be optimized for max_iter iterations before timing out.

Changed in version 1.0.0: Argument maxtries renamed to max_tries.

W0array_like, optional

Optional starting condition for W in NMF algorithm. (Ignored when using the ICA method.)

H0array_like, optional

Optional starting condition for H in NMF algorithm. (Ignored when using the ICA method.)

alphafloat, default=0.1

Sparsity regularizaton weight for NMF algorithm. Set to zero to remove regularization. Default is 0.1. (Ignored when using the ICA method.)

verbosityint, default=1

Level of verbosity. The options are:

  • 0: No outputs.

  • 1: Print separation progress.

prefixstr, optional

String to include before any progress statements.

S_sepnumpy.ndarray shaped (signals, observations)

The raw separated traces.

S_matchednumpy.ndarray shaped (signals, observations)

The separated traces matched to the primary signal, in order of matching quality (see Notes below).

A_sepnumpy.ndarray shaped (signals, signals)

Mixing matrix.


Metadata for the convergence result, with the following keys and values:


Seed for estimator initiation.


Number of iterations needed for convergence.


Maximum number of iterations allowed.


Whether the algorithm converged or not (bool).


To identify which independent signal matches the primary signal best, we first normalize the columns in the output mixing matrix A such that sum(A[:, separated]) = 1. This results in a relative score of how strongly each raw signal contributes to each separated signal. From this, we find the separated signal to which the ROI trace makes the largest (relative) contribution.