Source code for fissa.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Main FISSA user interface.

    - Sander W Keemink <>
    - Scott C Lowe <>

from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import datetime
import functools
import glob
import itertools
import os.path
import sys
import time
import warnings

    import as cabc
except ImportError:
    import collections as cabc

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from past.builtins import basestring
from import savemat
from import tqdm

from . import deltaf, extraction
from . import neuropil as npil
from . import roitools

def _pretty_timedelta(td=None, **kwargs):
    Represent a difference in time as a human-readable string.

    td : datetime.timedelta, optional
        The amount of time elapsed.
        Additional arguments as per :class:`datetime.timedelta` constructor.

        Representation of the amount of time elapsed.
    if td is None:
        td = datetime.timedelta(**kwargs)
    elif not isinstance(td, datetime.timedelta):
        raise ValueError(
            "First argument should be a datetime.timedelta instance,"
            " but {} was given.".format(type(td))
    elif kwargs:
        raise ValueError(
            "Either a timedelta object or its arguments should be given, not both."
    if td.total_seconds() < 2:
        return "{:.3f} seconds".format(td.total_seconds())
    if td.total_seconds() < 10:
        return "{:.2f} seconds".format(td.total_seconds())
    if td.total_seconds() < 60:
        return "{:.1f} seconds".format(td.total_seconds())
    if td.total_seconds() < 3600:
        s = td.total_seconds()
        m = int(s // 60)
        s -= m * 60
        return "{:d} min, {:.0f} sec".format(m, s)
    # For durations longer than one hour, we use the default string
    # representation for a datetime.timedelta, H:MM:SS.microseconds
    return str(td)

[docs]def extract( image, rois, nRegions=4, expansion=1, datahandler=None, verbosity=1, label=None, total=None, ): r""" Extract data for all ROIs in a single 3d array or TIFF file. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- image : str or :term:`array_like` shaped ``(time, height, width)`` The imaging data. Either a path to a multipage TIFF file, or 3d :term:`array_like` data. rois : str or :term:`list` of :term:`array_like` The regions-of-interest, specified by either a string containing a path to an ImageJ roi zip file, or a list of arrays encoding polygons, or list of binary arrays representing masks. nRegions : int, default=4 Number of neuropil regions to draw. Use a higher number for densely labelled tissue. Default is ``4``. expansion : float, default=1 Expansion factor for the neuropil region, relative to the ROI area. Default is ``1``. The total neuropil area will be ``nRegions * expansion * area(ROI)``. datahandler : fissa.extraction.DataHandlerAbstract, optional A datahandler object for handling ROIs and calcium data. The default is :class:`~fissa.extraction.DataHandlerTifffile`. verbosity : int, default=1 Level of verbosity. The options are: - ``0``: No outputs. - ``1``: Print extraction start. - ``2``: Print extraction end. - ``3``: Print start of each step within the extraction process. label : str or int, optional The label for the current trial. Only used for reporting progress. total : int, optional Total number of trials. Only used for reporting progress. Returns ------- traces : :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_rois, nRegions + 1, n_frames)`` The raw signal, determined as the average fluorence trace extracted from each ROI and neuropil region. Each vector ``traces[i_roi, 0, :]`` contains the traces for the ``i_roi``-th ROI. The following `nRegions` arrays in ``traces[i_roi, 1 : nRegions + 1, :]`` contain the traces from the `nRegions` grown neuropil regions surrounding the ``i_roi``-th ROI. polys : list of list of list of :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_nodes, 2)`` Polygon contours describing the outline of each region. For contiguous ROIs, the outline of the ``i_roi``-th ROI is described by the array at ``polys[i_roi][0][0]``. This array is ``n_nodes`` rows, each representing the coordinate of a node in ``(y, x)`` format. For non-contiguous ROIs, a contour is needed for each disconnected polygon making up the total aggregate ROI. These contours are found at ``polys[i_roi][0][i_contour]``. Similarly, the `nRegions` neuropil regions are each described by the polygons ``polys[i_roi][i_neurpil + 1][i_contour]`` respectively. mean : :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped (height, width) Mean image. """ # Get the timestamp for program start t0 = time.time() mheader = "" if verbosity >= 1: # Set up message header # Use the label, if this was provided if label is None: header = "" elif isinstance(label, int) and isinstance(total, int): # Pad left based on the total number of jobs, so it is [ 1/10] etc fmtstr = "{:" + str(int(np.maximum(1, np.ceil(np.log10(total))))) + "d}" header = fmtstr.format(label + 1) else: header = str(label) # Try to label with [1/5] to indicate progess, if possible if header and total is not None: header += "/{}".format(total) if header: header = "[Extraction " + header + "] " # Try to include the path to the image as a footer footer = "" if isinstance(image, basestring): # Include the image path as a footer footer = " ({})".format(image) # Done with header and footer # Inner header is indented further mheader = " " + header # Build intro message message = header + "Extraction starting" + footer # Wait briefly to prevent messages colliding when using multiprocessing if isinstance(label, int) and label < 12: time.sleep(label / 50.0) print(message) sys.stdout.flush() if datahandler is None: datahandler = extraction.DataHandlerTifffile() # get data as arrays and rois as masks if verbosity >= 3: print("{}Loading imagery".format(mheader)) curdata = datahandler.image2array(image) if verbosity >= 3: print("{}Converting ROIs to masks".format(mheader)) base_masks = datahandler.rois2masks(rois, curdata) # get the mean image mean = datahandler.getmean(curdata) if verbosity == 3: print("{}Growing neuropil regions and extracting traces".format(mheader)) # Initialise output variables traces = [] polys = [] # get neuropil masks and extract signals for base_mask in tqdm( base_masks, total=len(base_masks), desc="{}Neuropil extraction".format(mheader), disable=verbosity < 4, ): # neuropil masks npil_masks = roitools.getmasks_npil( base_mask, nNpil=nRegions, expansion=expansion ) # add all current masks together masks = [base_mask] + npil_masks # extract traces traces.append(datahandler.extracttraces(curdata, masks)) # store ROI outlines polys.append([roitools.find_roi_edge(mask) for mask in masks]) # Convert traces from a list to a single numpy array traces = np.stack(traces, axis=0) if verbosity >= 2: # Build end message message = header + "Extraction finished" + footer message += " in {}".format(_pretty_timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t0)) print(message) sys.stdout.flush() return traces, polys, mean
[docs]def separate_trials( raw, alpha=0.1, max_iter=20000, tol=1e-4, max_tries=1, method="nmf", verbosity=1, label=None, total=None, ): r""" Separate signals within a set of 2d arrays. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- raw : list of n_trials :term:`array_like`, each shaped ``(nRegions + 1, observations)`` Raw signals. A list of 2-d arrays, each of which contains observations of mixed signals, mixed in the same way across all trials. The `nRegions` signals must be the same for each trial, and the 0-th region, ``raw[trial][0]``, should be from the region of interest for which a matching source signal should be identified. alpha : float, default=0.1 Sparsity regularizaton weight for NMF algorithm. Set to zero to remove regularization. Default is ``0.1``. (Only used for ``method="nmf"``.) max_iter : int, default=20000 Maximum number of iterations before timing out on an attempt. tol : float, default=1e-4 Tolerance of the stopping condition. max_tries : int, default=1 Maximum number of random initial states to try. Each random state will be optimized for `max_iter` iterations before timing out. method : {"nmf", "ica"}, default="nmf" Which blind source-separation method to use. Either ``"nmf"`` for non-negative matrix factorization, or ``"ica"`` for independent component analysis. Default is ``"nmf"``. verbosity : int, default=1 Level of verbosity. The options are: - ``0``: No outputs. - ``1``: Print separation start. - ``2``: Print separation end. - ``3``: Print progress details during separation. label : str or int, optional Label/name or index of the ROI currently being processed. Only used for progress messages. total : int, optional Total number of ROIs. Only used for reporting progress. Returns ------- Xsep : list of n_trials :class:`numpy.ndarray`, each shaped ``(nRegions + 1, observations)`` The separated signals, unordered. Xmatch : list of n_trials :class:`numpy.ndarray`, each shaped ``(nRegions + 1, observations)`` The separated traces, ordered by matching score against the raw ROI signal. Xmixmat : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, shaped ``(nRegions + 1, nRegions + 1)`` Mixing matrix. convergence : dict Metadata for the convergence result, with the following keys and values: converged : bool Whether the separation model converged, or if it ended due to reaching the maximum number of iterations. iterations : int The number of iterations which were needed for the separation model to converge. max_iterations : int Maximum number of iterations to use when fitting the separation model. random_state : int or None Random seed used to initialise the separation model. """ # Get the timestamp for program start t0 = time.time() header = "" if verbosity >= 1: # Set up message header # Use the label, if this was provided if label is None: header = "" elif isinstance(label, int) and isinstance(total, int): # Pad left based on the total number of jobs, so it is [ 1/10] etc fmtstr = "{:" + str(int(np.maximum(1, np.ceil(np.log10(total))))) + "d}" header = fmtstr.format(label + 1) else: header = str(label) # Try to label with [1/5] to indicate progess, if possible if header and total is not None: header += "/{}".format(total) if header: header = "[Separation " + header + "] " # Include the ROI label as a footer footer = "" if isinstance(label, int) and isinstance(total, int): # Include the ROI label as a footer footer = " (ROI {})".format(label) # Done with header and footer # Build intro message message = header + "Signal separation starting" + footer # Wait briefly to prevent messages colliding when using multiprocessing if isinstance(label, int) and label < 12: time.sleep(label / 50.0) print(message) sys.stdout.flush() # Join together the raw data across trials, collapsing down the trials X = np.concatenate(raw, axis=1) # Check for values below 0 if X.min() < 0: message_extra = "" if label is not None: message_extra = " for ROI {}".format(label) warnings.warn( "{}Found values below zero in raw signal{}. Offsetting so minimum is 0." "".format(header, message_extra) ) X -= X.min() # Separate the signals Xsep, Xmatch, Xmixmat, convergence = npil.separate( X, method, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, max_tries=max_tries, alpha=alpha, verbosity=verbosity - 2, prefix=" " + header, ) # Unravel observations from multiple trials into a list of arrays trial_lengths = [r.shape[1] for r in raw] indices = np.cumsum(trial_lengths[:-1]) Xsep = np.split(Xsep, indices, axis=1) Xmatch = np.split(Xmatch, indices, axis=1) # Report status if verbosity >= 2: # Build end message message = header + "Signal separation finished" + footer message += " in {}".format(_pretty_timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t0)) print(message) sys.stdout.flush() return Xsep, Xmatch, Xmixmat, convergence
[docs]class Experiment: r""" Class-based interface for running FISSA on experiments. Uses the methodology described in `FISSA: A neuropil decontamination toolbox for calcium imaging signals <doi_>`_. .. _doi: Parameters ---------- images : str or list The raw imaging data. Should be one of: - the path to a directory containing TIFF files (string), - a list of paths to TIFF files (list of strings), - a list of :term:`array_like` data already loaded into memory, each shaped ``(n_frames, height, width)``. Note that each TIFF or array is considered a single trial. rois : str or list The region of interest (ROI) definitions. Should be one of: - the path to a directory containing ImageJ ZIP files (string), - the path of a single ImageJ ZIP file (string), - a list of ImageJ ZIP files (list of strings), - a list of arrays, each encoding a ROI polygons, - a list of lists of binary arrays, each representing a ROI mask. This can either be a single roiset for all trials, or a different roiset for each trial. folder : str, optional Path to a cache directory from which pre-extracted data will be loaded if present, and saved to otherwise. If `folder` is unset, the experiment data will not be saved. nRegions : int, default=4 Number of neuropil regions and signals to use. Default is ``4``. Use a higher number for densely labelled tissue. expansion : float, default=1 Expansion factor for each neuropil region, relative to the ROI area. Default is ``1``. The total neuropil area will be ``nRegions * expansion * area(ROI)``. method : "nmf" or "ica", default="nmf" Which blind source-separation method to use. Either ``"nmf"`` for non-negative matrix factorization, or ``"ica"`` for independent component analysis. Default is ``"nmf"`` (recommended). alpha : float, default=0.1 Sparsity regularizaton weight for NMF algorithm. Set to zero to remove regularization. Default is ``0.1``. max_iter : int, default=20000 Maximum number of iterations before timing out on an attempt. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 tol : float, default=1e-4 Tolerance of the stopping condition. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 max_tries : int, default=1 Maximum number of random initial states to try. Each random state will be optimized for `max_iter` iterations before timing out. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 ncores_preparation : int or None, default=-1 The number of parallel subprocesses to use during the data preparation steps of :meth:`separation_prep`. These steps are ROI and neuropil subregion definitions, and extracting raw signals from TIFFs. If set to ``None`` or ``-1`` (default), the number of processes used will equal the number of threads on the machine. If this is set to ``-2``, the number of processes used will be one less than the number of threads on the machine; etc. Note that the preparation process can be quite memory-intensive and it may be necessary to reduce the number of processes from the default. ncores_separation : int or None, default=-1 The number of parallel subprocesses to use during the signal separation steps of :meth:`separate`. If set to ``None`` or ``-1`` (default), the number of processes used will equal the number of threads on the machine. If this is set to ``-2``, the number of processes used will be one less than the number of threads on the machine; etc. The separation routine requires less memory per process than the preparation routine, and so `ncores_separation` be often be set higher than `ncores_preparation`. lowmemory_mode : bool, optional If ``True``, FISSA will load TIFF files into memory frame-by-frame instead of holding the entire TIFF in memory at once. This option reduces the memory load, and may be necessary for very large inputs. Default is ``False``. datahandler : :class:`fissa.extraction.DataHandlerAbstract`, optional A custom datahandler object for handling ROIs and calcium data can be given here. See :mod:`fissa.extraction` for example datahandler classes. The default datahandler is :class:`~fissa.extraction.DataHandlerTifffile`. If `datahandler` is set, the `lowmemory_mode` parameter is ignored. verbosity : int, default=1 How verbose the processing will be. Increase for more output messages. Processing is silent if ``verbosity=0``. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Attributes ---------- result : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_signals, n_timepoints)``. The final output of FISSA, with separated signals ranked in order of their weighting toward the raw cell ROI signal relative to their weighting toward other mixed raw signals. The ordering is such that ``experiment.result[roi, trial][0, :]`` is the signal with highest score in its contribution to the raw neuronal signal. Subsequent signals are sorted in order of diminishing score. The units are same as `raw` (candelas per unit area). This field is only populated after :meth:`separate` has been run; until then, it is set to ``None``. roi_polys : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a list of length ``nRegions + 1``, each element of which is a list of length ``n_contour`` containing a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_nodes, 2)``. Polygon contours describing the outline of each region. For contiguous ROIs, the outline of the ``i_roi``-th ROI used in the ``i_trial``-th trial is described by the array at ``experiment.roi_polys[i_roi, i_trial][0][0]``. This array consists of ``n_nodes`` rows, each representing the coordinate of a node in ``(y, x)`` format. For non-contiguous ROIs, a contour is needed for each disconnected polygon making up the total aggregate ROI. These contours are found at ``experiment.roi_polys[i_roi, i_trial][0][i_contour]``. Similarly, the `nRegions` neuropil regions are each described by the polygons ``experiment.roi_polys[i_roi, i_trial][i_neurpil + 1][i_contour]``, respectively. means : list of `n_trials` :class:`numpy.ndarray`, each shaped ``(height, width)`` The temporal-mean image for each trial (i.e. for each TIFF file, the average image over all of its frames). raw : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_signals, n_timepoints)``. For each ROI and trial (``raw[i_roi, i_trial]``) we extract a temporal trace of the average value within the spatial area of each of the ``nRegions + 1`` regions. The 0-th region is the ``i_roi``-th ROI (``raw[i_roi, i_trial][0]``). The subsequent ``nRegions`` vectors are the traces for each of the neuropil regions. The units are the same as the supplied imagery (candelas per unit area). sep : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_signals, n_timepoints)``. The separated signals, before output signals are ranked according to their matching against the raw signal from within the ROI. Separated signal ``i`` for a specific ROI and trial can be found at ``experiment.sep[roi, trial][i, :]``. This field is only populated after :meth:`separate` has been run; until then, it is set to ``None``. mixmat : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_rois, n_signals)``. The mixing matrix, which maps from ``experiment.raw`` to ``experiment.sep``. Because we use the collate the traces from all trials to determine separate the signals, the mixing matrices for a given ROI are the same across all trials. This means all ``n_trials`` elements in ``mixmat[i_roi, :]`` are identical. This field is only populated after :meth:`separate` has been run; until then, it is set to ``None``. info : :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_rois, n_trials)`` of dicts Information about the separation routine. Each dictionary in the array has the following fields: converged : bool Whether the separation model converged, or if it ended due to reaching the maximum number of iterations. iterations : int The number of iterations which were needed for the separation model to converge. max_iterations : int Maximum number of iterations to use when fitting the separation model. random_state : int or None Random seed used to initialise the separation model. This field is only populated after :meth:`separate` has been run; until then, it is set to ``None``. deltaf_raw : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(1, n_timepoint)``. The amount of change in fluorence relative to the baseline fluorence (Δf/f\ :sub:`0`). This field is only populated after :meth:`calc_deltaf` has been run; until then, it is set to ``None``. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 The shape of the interior arrays changed from ``(n_timepoint, )`` to ``(1, n_timepoint)``. deltaf_result : :class:`numpy.ndarray` A :class:`numpy.ndarray` of shape ``(n_rois, n_trials)``, each element of which is itself a :class:`numpy.ndarray` shaped ``(n_signals, n_timepoints)``. The amount of change in fluorence relative to the baseline fluorence (Δf/f\ :sub:`0`). By default, the baseline is taken from :attr:`raw` because the minimum values in :attr:`result` are typically zero. See :meth:`calc_deltaf` for details. This field is only populated after :meth:`calc_deltaf` has been run; until then, it is set to ``None``. """ _defaults = { "nRegions": 4, "expansion": 1, "method": "nmf", "alpha": 0.1, "max_iter": 20000, "tol": 1e-4, "max_tries": 1, } _preparation_params = ["nRegions", "expansion"] _separation_params = ["method", "alpha", "max_iter", "tol", "max_tries"] _preparation_outputs = ["means", "raw", "roi_polys"] _separation_outputs = ["info", "mixmat", "result", "sep"] _deltaf_outputs = ["deltaf_raw", "deltaf_result"] def __init__( self, images, rois, folder=None, nRegions=None, expansion=None, method=None, alpha=None, max_iter=None, tol=None, max_tries=None, ncores_preparation=-1, ncores_separation=-1, lowmemory_mode=False, datahandler=None, verbosity=1, ): # Initialise internal variables self.clear(verbosity=0) if isinstance(images, basestring): self.images = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(images, "*.tif*"))) elif isinstance(images, cabc.Sequence): self.images = images else: raise ValueError("images should either be string or list") if isinstance(rois, basestring): if rois[-3:] == "zip": self.rois = [rois] * len(self.images) else: self.rois = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(rois, "*.zip"))) elif isinstance(rois, cabc.Sequence): self.rois = rois if len(rois) == 1: # if only one roiset is specified self.rois *= len(self.images) else: raise ValueError("rois should either be string or list") if datahandler is not None and lowmemory_mode: raise ValueError( "Only one of lowmemory_mode and datahandler should be set." ) elif lowmemory_mode: self.datahandler = extraction.DataHandlerTifffileLazy() else: self.datahandler = datahandler # define class variables self.folder = folder self.nRegions = nRegions self.expansion = expansion self.method = method self.alpha = alpha self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.max_tries = max_tries self.ncores_preparation = ncores_preparation self.ncores_separation = ncores_separation self.verbosity = verbosity # check if any data already exists if folder is None: pass elif folder and not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) else: self.load() @property def nCell(self): if getattr(self, "result", None) is not None: return self.result.shape[0] if getattr(self, "raw", None) is not None: return self.raw.shape[0] return None @property def nTrials(self): return len(self.images) def __setattr__(self, name, value): def check_same_value(): if not hasattr(self, name): return False current = getattr(self, name) if type(current) is not type(value): return False if isinstance(current, np.ndarray): return np.array_equal(current, value) return current == value if getattr(self, name, None) is None: # No need to clear if the current value is None pass elif name in ["images", "rois"]: if not check_same_value(): self.clear() elif hasattr(self, "_preparation_params") and name in self._preparation_params: if not check_same_value(): self.clear() elif hasattr(self, "_separation_params") and name in self._separation_params: if not check_same_value(): self.clear_separated() self.__dict__[name] = value def __str__(self): if isinstance(self.images, basestring): str_images = repr(self.images) elif isinstance(self.images, cabc.Sequence): str_images = "<{} of length {}>".format( self.images.__class__.__name__, len(self.images) ) else: str_images = repr(self.images) if isinstance(self.rois, basestring): str_rois = repr(self.rois) elif isinstance(self.rois, cabc.Sequence): str_rois = "<{} of length {}>".format( self.rois.__class__.__name__, len(self.rois) ) else: str_images = repr(self.rois) fields = ( ["folder"] + self._preparation_params + self._separation_params + ["ncores_preparation", "ncores_separation", "datahandler", "verbosity"] ) str_parts = [ "{}={}".format(field, repr(getattr(self, field))) for field in fields ] return "{}.{}(images={}, rois={}, {})".format( __name__, self.__class__.__name__, str_images, str_rois, ", ".join(str_parts), ) def __repr__(self): fields = ( ["images", "rois", "folder"] + self._preparation_params + self._separation_params + ["ncores_preparation", "ncores_separation", "datahandler", "verbosity"] ) repr_parts = [ "{}={}".format(field, repr(getattr(self, field))) for field in fields ] return "{}.{}({})".format( __name__, self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(repr_parts) )
[docs] def clear(self, verbosity=None): r""" Clear prepared data, and all data downstream of prepared data. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- verbosity : int, optional Whether to show the data fields which were cleared. By default, the object's :attr:`verbosity` attribute is used. """ if verbosity is None: verbosity = getattr(self, "verbosity", 1) - 1 keys = self._preparation_outputs + ["deltaf_raw"] # Wipe outputs keys_cleared = [] for key in keys: if getattr(self, key, None) is not None: keys_cleared.append(key) setattr(self, key, None) if verbosity >= 1 and keys_cleared: print("Cleared {}".format(", ".join(repr(k) for k in keys_cleared))) # Wipe outputs of separate(), as they no longer match self.raw self.clear_separated(verbosity=verbosity)
[docs] def clear_separated(self, verbosity=None): r""" Clear separated data, and all data downstream of separated data. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- verbosity : int, optional Whether to show the data fields which were cleared. By default, the object's :attr:`verbosity` attribute is used. """ if verbosity is None: verbosity = getattr(self, "verbosity", 1) - 1 keys = self._separation_outputs + ["deltaf_result"] # Wipe outputs keys_cleared = [] for key in keys: if getattr(self, key, None) is not None: keys_cleared.append(key) setattr(self, key, None) if verbosity >= 1 and keys_cleared: print("Cleared {}".format(", ".join(repr(k) for k in keys_cleared)))
def _adopt_default_parameters(self, only_preparation=False, force=False): r""" Adopt default values for unset analysis parameters. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- only_preparation : bool, optional Whether to restrict the parameters to only those used for data extraction during the preparation step. Default is ``False``. force : bool, optional If `True`, all parameters will be overridden with default values even if they had already been set. Default is ``False``. """ defaults = self._defaults if only_preparation: # Prune down to only the preparation parameters defaults = { k: v for k, v in defaults.items() if k in self._preparation_params } # Check through each parameter and set unset values from defaults keys_adopted = [] for key, value in defaults.items(): if getattr(self, key, None) is not None and not force: continue setattr(self, key, value) keys_adopted.append(key) if self.verbosity >= 5 and keys_adopted: print( "Adopted default values for {}".format( ", ".join(repr(k) for k in keys_adopted) ) )
[docs] def load(self, path=None, force=False, skip_clear=False): r""" Load data from cache file in npz format. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to cache file (.npz format) or a directory containing ``"prepared.npz"`` and/or ``"separated.npz"`` files. Default behaviour is to use the :attr:`folder` parameter which was provided when the object was initialised is used (``experiment.folder``). force : bool, optional Whether to load the cache even if its experiment parameters differ from the properties of this experiment. Default is ``False``. skip_clear : bool, optional Whether to skip clearing values before loading. Default is ``False``. """ dynamic_properties = ["nCell", "nTrials"] ValGroup = collections.namedtuple( "ValGroup", ["category", "validators", "fields", "clearif", "clearfn"], ) validation_groups = [ ValGroup( "prepared", self._preparation_params, self._preparation_outputs + ["deltaf_raw"], ["raw"], self.clear, ), ValGroup( "separated", self._preparation_params + self._separation_params, self._separation_outputs + ["deltaf_result"], ["result"], self.clear_separated, ), ] if path is None: if self.folder is None: raise ValueError( "path must be provided if experiment folder is not defined" ) path = self.folder if os.path.isdir(path) or path == "": for fname in ("prepared.npz", "separated.npz"): fullfname = os.path.join(path, fname) if not os.path.exists(fullfname): continue self.load(fullfname) return if self.verbosity >= 1: print("Loading data from cache {}".format(path)) cache = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True) def _unpack_scalar(x): if np.array_equal(x, None): return None if x.ndim == 0: # Handle loading scalars return x.item() return x if force: for field in cache.files: if field in dynamic_properties: continue setattr(self, field, _unpack_scalar(cache[field])) return set_fields = set() for category, validators, fields, clearif, clearfn in validation_groups: valid = True validation_errors = [] for validator in validators: if getattr(self, validator, None) is None: # If the validator is not yet set locally, it is fine to # overwrite it. continue if validator not in cache: # If the validator is not set in the cache and is set # locally, we can't verify that the cached data is # compatible. We don't raise an error for this because the # contents are probably not this category. valid = False break value = _unpack_scalar(cache[validator]) if value is None: valid = False break if not np.array_equal(getattr(self, validator), value): # If the validator is set and doesn't match the value in # the cache, we will raise an error. validation_errors.append( " {}: Experiment (ours) {}, Cache (theirs) {}".format( validator, getattr(self, validator), value, ) ) if len(validation_errors) > 0: raise ValueError( "Experiment parameter value(s) in {} do not match the" " current experiment values:\n{}".format( path, "\n".join(validation_errors) ) ) if not valid: continue # Check the image and roi size is appropriate for k in ["raw", "result"]: if k not in cache.files or np.array_equal(cache[k], None): continue if cache[k].shape[1] != self.nTrials: raise ValueError( "Data mismatch between {} and our images." " Cached {} has {} trials, but our Experiment has {}" " trials.".format(path, k, cache[k].shape[1], self.nTrials) ) if self.nCell is not None and cache[k].shape[0] != self.nCell: raise ValueError( "Data mismatch between {} and our roisets." " Cached {} has {} ROIs, but our Experiment has {}" " ROIs.".format(path, k, cache[k].shape[1], self.nCell) ) # Wipe the values currently held before setting new values if not skip_clear: for field in clearif: if field in cache.files: clearfn() break # All the validators were valid, so we are okay to load the fields # # Check to see if there are any fields to load. If not, we won't # load the validators. any_field_to_load = False for field in cache.files: if field in dynamic_properties: continue if field in fields: any_field_to_load = True # If we don't have any data to load, no need to set the validators # or print that we loaded something. if not any_field_to_load: continue # Load all the validators, overwriting our local values if None. # We do this before loading in the data fields because of automatic # clear when parameter attributes change. for validator in validators: if validator not in cache.files: continue value = _unpack_scalar(cache[validator]) if getattr(self, validator, None) is None: if self.verbosity >= 2: print( " Adopting value {}={} from {}".format( validator, repr(value), path ) ) setattr(self, validator, value) set_fields.add(validator) # Load all the fields for field in fields: if field not in cache or field in dynamic_properties: continue setattr(self, field, _unpack_scalar(cache[field])) set_fields.add(field) if self.verbosity >= 2: print("Loaded {} data from {}".format(category, path)) # Check there weren't any left over fields in the cache which # were left unloaded unset_fields = [] for field in cache.files: if field in dynamic_properties: continue if field not in set_fields: unset_fields.append(field) if len(unset_fields) > 0 and self.verbosity >= 1: print( "Warning: field(s) {} in {} were not loaded.".format(unset_fields, path) )
[docs] def separation_prep(self, redo=False): r""" Prepare and extract the data to be separated. For each trial, performs the following steps: - Load in data as arrays. - Load in ROIs as masks. - Grow and seaparate ROIs to define neuropil regions. - Using neuropil and original ROI regions, extract traces from data. After running this you can access the raw data (i.e. pre-separation) as ``experiment.raw`` and ``experiment.rois``. ``experiment.raw`` is a list of arrays. ``experiment.raw[roi, trial]`` gives you the traces of a specific ROI and trial, across the ROI and neuropil regions. ``experiment.roi_polys`` is a list of lists of arrays. ``experiment.roi_polys[roi, trial][region][0]`` gives you the polygon for the region for a specific ROI, trial and region. ``region=0`` is the ROI itself (i.e. the outline of the neuron cell), and ``region>0`` gives the different neuropil regions. For separable masks, it is possible multiple outlines are found, which can be accessed as ``experiment.roi_polys[roi, trial][region][i]``, where ``i`` is the outline index. Parameters ---------- redo : bool, optional If ``False``, we load previously prepared data when possible. If ``True``, we re-run the preparation, even if it has previously been run. Default is ``False``. """ # Get the timestamp for program start t0 = time.time() # define filename where data will be present if self.folder is None: fname = None redo = True else: fname = os.path.join(self.folder, "prepared.npz") # try to load data from filename if fname is None or not os.path.isfile(fname): redo = True if not redo: try: self.clear() self.load(fname) if self.raw is not None: return except BaseException as err: print("An error occurred while loading {}".format(fname)) print(err) print("Extraction will be redone and {} overwritten".format(fname)) # Wipe outputs self.clear() # Adopt default values self._adopt_default_parameters(only_preparation=True) # Extract signals n_trial = len(self.images) if self.verbosity >= 2: msg = "Doing region growing and data extraction for {} trials...".format( n_trial ) msg += "\n Images:" for image in self.images: if self.verbosity >= 4 or isinstance(image, basestring): msg += "\n {}".format(image) else: msg += "\n {}".format(image.__class__) msg += "\n ROI sets:" for roiset in self.rois: if self.verbosity >= 4 or isinstance(roiset, basestring): msg += "\n {}".format(roiset) else: msg += "\n {}".format(roiset.__class__) for key in self._preparation_params: msg += "\n {}: {}".format(key, repr(getattr(self, key))) print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() # Make a handle to the extraction function with parameters configured _extract_cfg = functools.partial( extract, nRegions=self.nRegions, expansion=self.expansion, datahandler=self.datahandler, verbosity=self.verbosity - 2, total=n_trial, ) # check whether we should show progress bars disable_progressbars = self.verbosity <= 0 or 3 <= self.verbosity # Check how many workers to spawn. # Map the behaviour of ncores=None to one job per CPU core, like for # multiprocessing.Pool(processes=None). With joblib, this is # joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1) instead. n_jobs = -1 if self.ncores_preparation is None else self.ncores_preparation if 0 <= n_jobs <= 1: # Don't use multiprocessing outputs = [ _extract_cfg(image, rois, label=i) for i, (image, rois) in tqdm( enumerate(zip(self.images, self.rois)), total=n_trial, desc="Extracting traces", disable=disable_progressbars, ) ] else: # Use multiprocessing outputs = Parallel( n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=max(0, self.verbosity - 5) )( delayed(_extract_cfg)(image, rois, label=i) for i, (image, rois) in tqdm( enumerate(zip(self.images, self.rois)), total=n_trial, desc="Extracting traces", disable=disable_progressbars, ) ) # get number of cells n_roi = len(outputs[0][1]) # predefine data structures raw = np.empty((n_roi, n_trial), dtype=object) roi_polys = np.empty_like(raw) # Set outputs means = [] for i_trial, (raw_i, polys_i, mean_i) in enumerate(outputs): means.append(mean_i) for i_roi in range(n_roi): raw[i_roi][i_trial] = raw_i[i_roi] roi_polys[i_roi][i_trial] = polys_i[i_roi] self.raw = raw self.roi_polys = roi_polys self.means = means if self.verbosity >= 1: print( "Finished extracting raw signals from {} ROIs across {} trials in {}.".format( n_roi, n_trial, _pretty_timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t0), ) ) sys.stdout.flush() # Maybe save to cache file if self.folder is not None: self.save_prep()
[docs] def save_prep(self, destination=None): r""" Save prepared raw signals, extracted from images, to an npz file. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- destination : str, optional Path to output file. The default destination is ``"prepared.npz"`` within the cache directory ``experiment.folder``. """ fields = set(self._preparation_params + self._preparation_outputs) if destination is None: if self.folder is None: raise ValueError( "The folder attribute must be declared in order to save" " preparation outputs the cache." ) destination = os.path.join(self.folder, "prepared.npz") if self.verbosity >= 1: print("Saving extracted traces to {}".format(destination)) sys.stdout.flush() destdir = os.path.dirname(destination) if destdir and not os.path.isdir(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) np.savez_compressed( destination, **{ field: getattr(self, field) for field in fields if getattr(self, field) is not None } )
[docs] def separate(self, redo_prep=False, redo_sep=False): r""" Separate all the trials with FISSA algorithm. After running ``separate``, data can be found as follows: experiment.sep Raw separation output, without being matched. Signal ``i`` for a specific ROI and trial can be found as ``experiment.sep[roi, trial][i, :]``. experiment.result Final output, in order of presence in the ROI. Signal ``i`` for a specific ROI and trial can be found at ``experiment.result[roi, trial][i, :]``. Note that the ordering is such that ``i = 0`` is the signal most strongly present in the ROI, and subsequent entries are in diminishing order. experiment.mixmat The mixing matrix, which maps from ``experiment.raw`` to ``experiment.sep``. Information about separation routine, iterations needed, etc. Parameters ---------- redo_prep : bool, optional Whether to redo the preparation. Default is ``False.`` Note that if this is true, we set ``redo_sep = True`` as well. redo_sep : bool, optional Whether to redo the separation. Default is ``False``. Note that this parameter is ignored if `redo_prep` is set to ``True``. """ # Get the timestamp for program start t0 = time.time() # Do data preparation if redo_prep or self.raw is None: self.separation_prep(redo_prep) if redo_prep: redo_sep = True # Define filename to store data in if self.folder is None: fname = None redo_sep = True else: fname = os.path.join(self.folder, "separated.npz") if fname is None or not os.path.isfile(fname): redo_sep = True if not redo_sep: try: self.clear_separated() self.load(fname) if self.result is not None: return except BaseException as err: print("An error occurred while loading {}".format(fname)) print(err) print( "Signal separation will be redone and {} overwritten" "".format(fname) ) # Wipe outputs self.clear_separated() # Adopt default values self._adopt_default_parameters() # Check size of the input arrays n_roi = len(self.raw) n_trial = len(self.raw[0]) # Print what data will be analysed if self.verbosity >= 2: msg = "Doing signal separation for {} ROIs over {} trials...".format( n_roi, n_trial ) msg += "\n method: {}".format(repr(self.method)) if "ica" not in self.method.lower(): msg += "\n alpha: {}".format(repr(self.alpha)) for key in ["max_iter", "max_tries", "tol"]: msg += "\n {}: {}".format(key, repr(getattr(self, key))) print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() # Make a handle to the separation function with parameters configured _separate_cfg = functools.partial( separate_trials, alpha=self.alpha, max_iter=self.max_iter, tol=self.tol, max_tries=self.max_tries, method=self.method, verbosity=self.verbosity - 2, total=n_roi, ) # check whether we should show progress bars disable_progressbars = self.verbosity <= 0 or 3 <= self.verbosity # Check how many workers to spawn. # Map the behaviour of ncores=None to one job per CPU core, like for # multiprocessing.Pool(processes=None). With joblib, this is # joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1) instead. n_jobs = -1 if self.ncores_separation is None else self.ncores_separation # Do the extraction if 0 <= n_jobs <= 1: # Don't use multiprocessing outputs = [ _separate_cfg(X, label=i) for i, X in tqdm( enumerate(self.raw), total=len(self.raw), desc="Separating data", disable=disable_progressbars, ) ] else: # Use multiprocessing outputs = Parallel( n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading", verbose=max(0, self.verbosity - 5) )( delayed(_separate_cfg)(X, label=i) for i, X in tqdm( enumerate(self.raw), total=len(self.raw), desc="Separating data", disable=disable_progressbars, ) ) # Define output shape as an array of objects shaped (n_roi, n_trial) sep = np.empty((n_roi, n_trial), dtype=object) result = np.empty_like(sep) mixmat = np.empty_like(sep) info = np.empty_like(sep) # Place our outputs into the initialised arrays for i_roi, (sep_i, match_i, mixmat_i, conv_i) in enumerate(outputs): sep[i_roi, :] = sep_i result[i_roi, :] = match_i mixmat[i_roi, :] = [mixmat_i] * n_trial info[i_roi, :] = conv_i # list non-converged cells non_converged_rois = [ i_roi for i_roi, info_i in enumerate(info) if not info_i[0]["converged"] ] if self.verbosity >= 1: message = "Finished separating signals from {} ROIs across {} trials in {}".format( n_roi, n_trial, _pretty_timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t0), ) if len(non_converged_rois) > 0: message += ( "\n" "Separation did not converge for the following {} ROIs: {}." "\nConsider increasing max_iter (currently set to {})" " or other FISSA parameters if this happens often and/or" " to a lot of cells.".format( len(non_converged_rois), non_converged_rois, self.max_iter ) ) print(message) sys.stdout.flush() # Set outputs = info self.mixmat = mixmat self.sep = sep self.result = result # Maybe save to cache file if self.folder is not None: self.save_separated()
[docs] def save_separated(self, destination=None): r""" Save separated signals to an npz file. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Parameters ---------- destination : str, optional Path to output file. The default destination is ``"separated.npz"`` within the cache directory ``experiment.folder``. """ fields = set( self._preparation_params + self._separation_params + self._separation_outputs + self._deltaf_outputs ) if destination is None: if self.folder is None: raise ValueError( "The folder attribute must be declared in order to save" " separation outputs to the cache." ) destination = os.path.join(self.folder, "separated.npz") if self.verbosity >= 1: print("Saving results to {}".format(destination)) sys.stdout.flush() destdir = os.path.dirname(destination) if destdir and not os.path.isdir(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) np.savez_compressed( destination, **{ field: getattr(self, field) for field in fields if getattr(self, field) is not None } )
[docs] def calc_deltaf(self, freq, use_raw_f0=True, across_trials=True): r""" Calculate Δf/f0 for raw and result traces. The outputs are found in the :attr:`deltaf_raw` and :attr:`deltaf_result` attributes, which can be accessed at ``experiment.deltaf_raw`` and ``experiment.deltaf_result``. Parameters ---------- freq : float Imaging frequency, in Hz. use_raw_f0 : bool, optional If ``True`` (default), use an f0 estimate from the raw ROI trace for both raw and result traces. If ``False``, use individual f0 estimates for each of the traces. across_trials : bool, optional If ``True``, we estimate a single baseline f0 value across all trials. If ``False``, each trial will have their own baseline f0, and Δf/f\ :sub:`0` value will be relative to the trial-specific f0. Default is ``True``. """ # Get the timestamp for program start t0 = time.time() if self.verbosity >= 2: msg = "Calculating Δf/f0 for raw and result signals" if self.verbosity < 3: pass elif across_trials: msg += " (same f0 across all trials" else: msg += " (different f0 baseline for each trial" if self.verbosity < 3: pass elif use_raw_f0: msg += ", using f0 in raw data for result)" else: msg += ")" msg += ( "\nCaution: Measuring baseline f0 from result may result" " in division by zero." ) print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() # Initialise output arrays deltaf_raw = np.empty_like(self.raw) deltaf_result = np.empty_like(self.result) # Can't include Δ in the tqdm description on Python2 desc = "Calculating {}f/f0".format("d" if sys.version_info < (3, 0) else "Δ") # Check size of the input arrays n_roi = len(self.result) n_trial = len(self.result[0]) # Loop over cells for i_roi in tqdm( range(n_roi), total=n_roi, desc=desc, disable=self.verbosity < 1, ): # if deltaf should be calculated across all trials if across_trials: # get concatenated traces raw_conc = np.concatenate(self.raw[i_roi], axis=1)[0, :] result_conc = np.concatenate(self.result[i_roi], axis=1) # calculate Δf/f0 raw_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0(raw_conc, freq) raw_conc = (raw_conc - raw_f0) / raw_f0 result_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0(result_conc, freq, 1).T[:, None] if use_raw_f0: result_conc = (result_conc - result_f0) / raw_f0 else: result_conc = (result_conc - result_f0) / result_f0 # store Δf/f0 curTrial = 0 for i_trial in range(n_trial): nextTrial = curTrial + self.raw[i_roi][i_trial].shape[1] signal = raw_conc[curTrial:nextTrial] deltaf_raw[i_roi][i_trial] = np.expand_dims(signal, axis=0) signal = result_conc[:, curTrial:nextTrial] deltaf_result[i_roi][i_trial] = signal curTrial = nextTrial else: # loop across trials for i_trial in range(n_trial): # get current signals raw_sig = self.raw[i_roi][i_trial][0, :] result_sig = self.result[i_roi][i_trial] # calculate Δf/fo raw_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0(raw_sig, freq) result_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0(result_sig, freq, 1).T[:, None] result_f0[result_f0 < 0] = 0 raw_sig = (raw_sig - raw_f0) / raw_f0 if use_raw_f0: result_sig = (result_sig - result_f0) / raw_f0 else: result_sig = (result_sig - result_f0) / result_f0 # store Δf/f0 deltaf_raw[i_roi][i_trial] = np.expand_dims(raw_sig, axis=0) deltaf_result[i_roi][i_trial] = result_sig self.deltaf_raw = deltaf_raw self.deltaf_result = deltaf_result if self.verbosity >= 1: print( "Finished calculating Δf/f0 for raw and result signals in {}".format( _pretty_timedelta(seconds=time.time() - t0) ) ) sys.stdout.flush() # Maybe save to cache file if self.folder is not None: self.save_separated()
[docs] def to_matfile(self, fname=None, legacy=False): r"""Save the results to a MATLAB file. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 This will generate a MAT-file (.mat) which can be loaded into MATLAB. The MAT-file contains structs for all the experiment output attributes (:attr:`roi_polys`, :attr:`result`, :attr:`raw`, etc.) and analysis parameters (:attr:`expansion`, :attr:`nRegions`, :attr:`alpha`, etc.). If Δf/f\ :sub:`0` was calculated with :meth:`calc_deltaf`, :attr:`deltaf_result` and :attr:`deltaf_raw` are also included. These can be interfaced with as illustrated below. ``result{1, 1}(1, :)`` The separated signal for the first ROI and first trial. This is equivalent to ``experiment.result[0, 0][0, :]`` when interacting with the :class:`Experiment` object in Python. ``result{roi, trial}(1, :)`` The separated signal for the ``roi``-th ROI and ``trial``-th trial. This is equivalent to ``experiment.result[roi - 1, trial - 1][0, :]`` when interacting with the :class:`Experiment` object in Python. ``result{roi, trial}(2, :)`` A contaminating signal. ``raw{roi, trial}(1, :)`` Raw measured neuronal signal, averaged over the ROI. This is equivalent to ``experiment.raw[roi - 1, trial - 1][0, :]`` when interacting with the :class:`Experiment` object in Python. ``raw{roi, trial}(2, :)`` Raw signal from first neuropil region (of ``nRegions``). ``roi_polys{roi, trial}{1}`` Polygon outlining the ROI, as an n-by-2 array of coordinates. ``roi_polys{roi, trial}{2}`` Polygon outlining the first neuropil region (of ``nRegions``), as an n-by-2 array of coordinates. Examples -------- Here are some example MATLAB plots. Plotting raw and decontaminated traces: .. code:: octave % Load the FISSA output data S = load('separated.mat') % Separated signal for the third ROI, second trial roi = 3; trial = 2; % Plot the raw and result traces for the ROI signal figure; hold on; plot(S.raw{roi, trial}(1, :)); plot(S.result{roi, trial}(1, :)); title(sprintf('ROI %d, Trial %d', roi, trial)); xlabel('Time (frame number)'); ylabel('Signal intensity (candela per unit area)'); legend({'Raw', 'Result'}); If all ROIs are contiguous and described by a single contour, the the mean image and ROI locations for one trial can be plotted as follows: .. code:: octave % Load the FISSA output data S = load('separated.mat') trial = 1; figure; hold on; % Plot the mean image imagesc(squeeze(S.means(trial, :, :))); colormap('gray'); % Plot ROI locations for i_roi = 1:size(S.result, 1); contour = S.roi_polys{i_roi, trial}{1}; plot(contour(:, 2), contour(:, 1)); end set(gca, 'YDir', 'reverse'); Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional Destination for output file. The default is a file named ``"separated.mat"`` within the cache save directory for the experiment (the :attr:`folder` argument when the :class:`Experiment` instance was created). legacy : bool, default=False Whether to use the legacy format of :meth:`save_to_matlab`. This also changes the default output name to ``"matlab.mat"``. """ default_name = "separated.mat" if legacy: default_name = "matlab.mat" # define filename if fname is None: if self.folder is None: raise ValueError( "fname must be provided if experiment folder is undefined" ) fname = os.path.join(self.folder, default_name) # initialize dictionary to save M = collections.OrderedDict() def reformat_dict_for_legacy(orig_dict): new_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # loop over cells and trial for i_roi in range(len(self.result)): # get current cell label c_lab = "cell" + str(i_roi) # update dictionary new_dict[c_lab] = collections.OrderedDict() for i_trial in range(len(self.result[0])): # get current trial label t_lab = "trial" + str(i_trial) # update dictionary new_dict[c_lab][t_lab] = orig_dict[i_roi][i_trial] return new_dict if legacy: M["ROIs"] = reformat_dict_for_legacy(self.roi_polys) M["raw"] = reformat_dict_for_legacy(self.raw) M["result"] = reformat_dict_for_legacy(self.result) if getattr(self, "deltaf_raw", None) is not None: M["df_raw"] = reformat_dict_for_legacy(self.deltaf_raw) if getattr(self, "deltaf_result", None) is not None: M["df_result"] = reformat_dict_for_legacy(self.deltaf_result) else: fields = ( self._preparation_params + self._separation_params + self._preparation_outputs + self._separation_outputs + self._deltaf_outputs ) for field in fields: x = getattr(self, field) if x is None: continue M[field] = x with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences", ) savemat(fname, M)
[docs] def save_to_matlab(self, fname=None): r""" Save the results to a MATLAB file. .. deprecated:: 1.0.0 Use ``experiment.to_matfile(legacy=True)`` instead. This will generate a .mat file which can be loaded into MATLAB to provide structs: ROIs, result, raw. If Δf/f\ :sub:`0` was calculated, these will also be stored as ``df_result`` and ``df_raw``, which will have the same format as ``result`` and ``raw``. These can be interfaced with as follows, for ROI 0, trial 0: ``ROIs.cell0.trial0{1}`` Polygon outlining the ROI. ``ROIs.cell0.trial0{2}`` Polygon outlining the first (of ``nRegions``) neuropil region. ``result.cell0.trial0(1, :)`` Final extracted neuronal signal. ``result.cell0.trial0(2, :)`` Contaminating signal. ``raw.cell0.trial0(1, :)`` Raw measured cell signal, average over the ROI. ``raw.cell0.trial0(2, :)`` Raw signal from first (of ``nRegions``) neuropil region. Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional Destination for output file. Default is a file named ``"matlab.mat"`` within the cache save directory for the experiment (the `folder` argument when the ``Experiment`` instance was created). See Also -------- Experiment.to_matfile """ warnings.warn( "The experiment.save_to_matlab() method is deprecated." " Please use experiment.to_matfile() instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.to_matfile(fname=fname, legacy=True)
[docs]def run_fissa( images, rois, folder=None, freq=None, return_deltaf=False, deltaf_across_trials=True, export_to_matfile=False, **kwargs ): r""" Function-based interface to run FISSA on an experiment. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Uses the methodology described in `FISSA: A neuropil decontamination toolbox for calcium imaging signals <doi_>`_. .. _doi: Parameters ---------- images : str or list The raw recording data. Should be one of: - the path to a directory containing TIFF files (string), - a list of paths to TIFF files (list of strings), - a list of :term:`array_like` data already loaded into memory, each shaped ``(n_frames, height, width)``. Note that each TIFF/array is considered a single trial. rois : str or list The roi definitions. Should be one of: - the path to a directory containing ImageJ ZIP files (string), - the path of a single ImageJ ZIP file (string), - a list of ImageJ ZIP files (list of strings), - a list of arrays, each encoding a ROI polygons, - a list of lists of binary arrays, each representing a ROI mask. This can either be a single roiset for all trials, or a different roiset for each trial. folder : str, optional Path to a cache directory from which pre-extracted data will be loaded if present, and saved to otherwise. If `folder` is unset, the experiment data will not be saved. freq : float, optional Imaging frequency, in Hz. Required if ``return_deltaf=True``. return_deltaf : bool, optional Whether to return Δf/f\ :sub:`0`. Otherwise, the decontaminated signal is returned scaled against the raw recording. Default is ``False``. deltaf_across_trials : bool, default=True If ``True``, we estimate a single baseline f0 value across all trials when computing Δf/f\ :sub:`0`. If ``False``, each trial will have their own baseline f0, and Δf/f\ :sub:`0` value will be relative to the trial-specific f0. Default is ``True``. export_to_matfile : bool or str or None, default=False Whether to export the data to a MATLAB-compatible .mat file. If `export_to_matfile` is a string, it is used as the path to the output file. If ``export_to_matfile=True``, the matfile is saved to the default path of ``"separated.mat"`` within the `folder` directory, and `folder` must be set. If this is ``None``, the matfile is exported to the default path if `folder` is set, and otherwise is not exported. Default is ``False``. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments as per :class:`Experiment`. Returns ------- result : 2d numpy.ndarray of 2d numpy.ndarrays of np.float64 The vector ``result[roi, trial][0, :]`` is the trace from ROI ``roi`` in trial ``trial``. If ``return_deltaf=True``, this is Δf/f\ :sub:`0`; otherwise, it is the decontaminated signal scaled as per the raw signal. f\ :sub:`0` is the baseline as calculated from the raw signal. raw : 2d numpy.ndarray of 2d numpy.ndarrays of np.float64 The raw traces without separation. The vector ``raw[c, t][0, :]`` is the ROI trace from cell ``c`` in trial ``t``. The vector ``raw[c, t][i, :]`` for i>=1 the trace from cell ``c`` in trial ``t``, from neuropil region ``i-1``. If ``return_deltaf=True``, this is Δf/f\ :sub:`0`; otherwise it's the raw extracted signal. See Also -------- fissa.core.Experiment """ # Parse arguments if export_to_matfile is None: export_to_matfile = folder is not None if return_deltaf and freq is None: raise ValueError("The argument `freq` must be set to determine df/f0.") # Make a new Experiment object experiment = Experiment(images, rois, folder=folder, **kwargs) # Run separation experiment.separate() # Calculate Δf/f0 if return_deltaf or (export_to_matfile and freq is not None): experiment.calc_deltaf(freq=freq, across_trials=deltaf_across_trials) # Save to matfile if export_to_matfile: matlab_fname = ( None if isinstance(export_to_matfile, bool) else export_to_matfile ) experiment.to_matfile(matlab_fname) # Return appropriate data if return_deltaf: return experiment.deltaf_result, experiment.deltaf_raw return experiment.result, experiment.raw