Source code for fissa.core

"""Main user interface for FISSA.

    - Sander W Keemink (
    - Scott C Lowe

from __future__ import print_function
from past.builtins import basestring

import collections
import glob
import os.path
import warnings

import numpy as np
from import savemat

from . import datahandler
from . import deltaf
from . import neuropil as npil
from . import roitools

    from multiprocessing import Pool
    has_multiprocessing = True
except BaseException:
    warnings.warn('Multiprocessing library is not installed, using single ' +
                  'core instead. To use multiprocessing install it by: ' +
                  'pip install multiprocessing')
    has_multiprocessing = False

[docs]def extract_func(inputs): """Extract data using multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- inputs : list list of inputs 0. image array 1. the rois 2. number of neuropil regions 3. how much larger neuropil region should be then central ROI Returns ------- dict Data across cells. dict Polygons for each ROI. """ image = inputs[0] rois = inputs[1] nNpil = inputs[2] expansion = inputs[3] # get data as arrays and rois as masks curdata = datahandler.image2array(image) base_masks = datahandler.rois2masks(rois, curdata) # get the mean image mean = datahandler.getmean(curdata) # predefine dictionaries data = collections.OrderedDict() roi_polys = collections.OrderedDict() # get neuropil masks and extract signals for cell in range(len(base_masks)): # neuropil masks npil_masks = roitools.getmasks_npil(base_masks[cell], nNpil=nNpil, expansion=expansion) # add all current masks together masks = [base_masks[cell]] + npil_masks # extract traces data[cell] = datahandler.extracttraces(curdata, masks) # store ROI outlines roi_polys[cell] = [''] * len(masks) for i in range(len(masks)): roi_polys[cell][i] = roitools.find_roi_edge(masks[i]) return data, roi_polys, mean
[docs]def separate_func(inputs): """Extraction function for multiprocessing. Parameters ---------- inputs : list list of inputs 0. Array with signals to separate 1. Alpha input to npil.separate 2. Method 3. Current ROI number Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The raw separated traces. numpy.ndarray The separated traces matched to the primary signal. numpy.ndarray Mixing matrix. dict Metadata for the convergence result. """ X = inputs[0] alpha = inputs[1] method = inputs[2] Xsep, Xmatch, Xmixmat, convergence = npil.separate( X, method, maxiter=20000, tol=1e-4, maxtries=1, alpha=alpha ) ROInum = inputs[3] print('Finished ROI number ' + str(ROInum)) return Xsep, Xmatch, Xmixmat, convergence
[docs]class Experiment(): """Does all the steps for FISSA."""
[docs] def __init__(self, images, rois, folder, nRegions=4, expansion=1, alpha=0.1, ncores_preparation=None, ncores_separation=None, method='nmf', lowmemory_mode=False, datahandler_custom=None): """Initialisation. Set the parameters for your Fissa instance. Parameters ---------- images : str or list The raw recording data. Should be one of: - the path to a directory containing TIFF files (string), - an explicit list of TIFF files (list of strings), - a list of array_like data already loaded into memory, each shaped `(frames, y-coords, x-coords)`. Note that each TIFF/array is considered a single trial. rois : str or list The roi definitions. Should be one of: - the path to a directory containing ImageJ ZIP files (string), - the path of a single ImageJ ZIP file (string), - a list of ImageJ ZIP files (list of strings), - a list of arrays, each encoding a ROI polygons, - a list of lists of binary arrays, each representing a ROI mask. This can either be a single roiset for all trials, or a different roiset for each trial. folder : str Output path to a directory in which the extracted data will be stored. nRegions : int, optional Number of neuropil regions to draw. Use a higher number for densely labelled tissue. Default is 4. expansion : float, optional Expansion factor for the neuropil region, relative to the ROI area. Default is 1. The total neuropil area will be `nRegions * expansion * area(ROI)`. alpha : float, optional Sparsity regularizaton weight for NMF algorithm. Set to zero to remove regularization. Default is 0.1. (Not used for ICA method.) ncores_preparation : int, optional (default: None) Sets the number of subprocesses to be used during the data preparation steps (ROI and subregions definitions, data extraction from tifs, etc.). If set to `None` (default), there will be as many subprocesses as there are threads or cores on the machine. Note that this behaviour can, especially for the data preparation step, be very memory-intensive. ncores_separation : int, optional (default: None) Same as `ncores_preparation`, but for the separation step. Note that this step requires less memory per subprocess, and hence can often be set higher than `ncores_preparation`. method : {'nmf', 'ica'}, optional Which blind source-separation method to use. Either `'nmf'` for non-negative matrix factorization, or `'ica'` for independent component analysis. Default (recommended) is `'nmf'`. lowmemory_mode : bool, optional If `True`, FISSA will load TIFF files into memory frame-by-frame instead of holding the entire TIFF in memory at once. This option reduces the memory load, and may be necessary for very large inputs. Default is `False`. datahandler_custom : object, optional A custom datahandler for handling ROIs and calcium data can be given here. See (the default handler) for an example. """ if isinstance(images, basestring): self.images = sorted(glob.glob(images + '/*.tif*')) elif isinstance(images, list): self.images = images else: raise ValueError('images should either be string or list') if isinstance(rois, basestring): if rois[-3:] == 'zip': self.rois = [rois] * len(self.images) else: self.rois = sorted(glob.glob(rois + '/*.zip')) elif isinstance(rois, list): self.rois = rois if len(rois) == 1: # if only one roiset is specified self.rois *= len(self.images) else: raise ValueError('rois should either be string or list') global datahandler if lowmemory_mode: from . import datahandler_framebyframe as datahandler if datahandler_custom is not None: datahandler = datahandler_custom # define class variables self.folder = folder self.raw = None self.sep = None self.result = None self.nRegions = nRegions self.expansion = expansion self.alpha = alpha self.nTrials = len(self.images) # number of trials self.means = [] self.ncores_preparation = ncores_preparation self.ncores_separation = ncores_separation self.method = method # check if any data already exists if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) if os.path.isfile(folder + '/preparation.npy'): if os.path.isfile(folder + '/separated.npy'): self.separate() else: self.separation_prep()
[docs] def separation_prep(self, redo=False): """Prepare and extract the data to be separated. For each trial, performs the following steps: - Load in data as arrays - Load in ROIs as masks - Grow and seaparate ROIs to define neuropil regions - Using neuropil and original ROI regions, extract traces from data After running this you can access the raw data (i.e. pre-separation) as `self.raw` and `self.rois`. self.raw is a list of arrays. `self.raw[cell][trial]` gives you the traces of a specific cell and trial, across cell and neuropil regions. `self.roi_polys` is a list of lists of arrays. `self.roi_polys[cell][trial][region][0]` gives you the polygon for the region for a specific cell, trial and region. `region=0` is the cell, and `region>0` gives the different neuropil regions. For separateable masks, it is possible multiple outlines are found, which can be accessed as `self.roi_polys[cell][trial][region][i]`, where `i` is the outline index. Parameters ---------- redo : bool, optional If `False`, we load previously prepared data when possible. If `True`, we re-run the preparation, even if it has previously been run. Default is `False`. """ # define filename where data will be present fname = self.folder + '/preparation.npy' # try to load data from filename if not redo: try: nCell, raw, roi_polys = np.load(fname) print('Reloading previously prepared data...') except BaseException: redo = True if redo: print('Doing region growing and data extraction....') # define inputs inputs = [0] * self.nTrials for trial in range(self.nTrials): inputs[trial] = [self.images[trial], self.rois[trial], self.nRegions, self.expansion] # Do the extraction if has_multiprocessing: # define pool pool = Pool(self.ncores_preparation) # run extraction results =, inputs) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = [0] * self.nTrials for trial in range(self.nTrials): results[trial] = extract_func(inputs[trial]) # get number of cells nCell = len(results[0][1]) # predefine data structures raw = [[None for t in range(self.nTrials)] for c in range(nCell)] roi_polys = np.copy(raw) # store results for trial in range(self.nTrials): self.means += [results[trial][2]] for cell in range(nCell): raw[cell][trial] = results[trial][0][cell] roi_polys[cell][trial] = results[trial][1][cell] # save, (nCell, raw, roi_polys)) # store relevant info self.nCell = nCell # number of cells self.raw = raw self.roi_polys = roi_polys
[docs] def separate(self, redo_prep=False, redo_sep=False): """Separate all the trials with FISSA algorithm. After running `separate`, data can be found as follows: self.sep Raw separation output, without being matched. Signal `i` for a specific cell and trial can be found as `self.sep[cell][trial][i,:]`. self.result Final output, in order of presence in cell ROI. Signal `i` for a specific cell and trial can be found at `self.result[cell][trial][i, :]`. Note that the ordering is such that `i = 0` is the signal most strongly present in the ROI, and subsequent entries are in diminishing order. self.mixmat The mixing matrix (how to go between `self.separated` and `self.raw` from the `separation_prep()` function). Information about separation routine, iterations needed, etc. Parameters ---------- redo_prep : bool, optional Whether to redo the preparation. Default is `False.` Note that if this is true, we set `redo_sep = True` as well. redo_sep : bool, optional Whether to redo the separation. Default is `False`. Note that this parameter is ignored if `redo_prep` is set to `True`. """ # Do data preparation self.separation_prep(redo_prep) if redo_prep: redo_sep = True # Define filename to store data in fname = self.folder + '/separated.npy' if not redo_sep: try: info, mixmat, sep, result = np.load(fname) print('Reloading previously separated data...') except BaseException: redo_sep = True # separate data, if necessary if redo_sep: print('Doing signal separation....') # predefine data structures sep = [[None for t in range(self.nTrials)] for c in range(self.nCell)] result = np.copy(sep) mixmat = np.copy(sep) info = np.copy(sep) # loop over cells to define function inputs inputs = [0] * self.nCell for cell in range(self.nCell): # initiate concatenated data X = np.concatenate(self.raw[cell], axis=1) # check for below 0 values if X.min() < 0: warnings.warn('Found values below zero in signal, ' + 'setting minimum to 0.') X -= X.min() # update inputs inputs[cell] = [X, self.alpha, self.method, cell] if has_multiprocessing: # define pool pool = Pool(self.ncores_separation) # run separation results =, inputs) pool.close() pool.join() else: results = [0] * self.nCell for cell in range(self.nCell): results[cell] = separate_func(inputs[cell]) # read results for cell in range(self.nCell): curTrial = 0 Xsep, Xmatch, Xmixmat, convergence = results[cell] for trial in range(self.nTrials): nextTrial = curTrial + self.raw[cell][trial].shape[1] sep[cell][trial] = Xsep[:, curTrial:nextTrial] result[cell][trial] = Xmatch[:, curTrial:nextTrial] curTrial = nextTrial # store other info mixmat[cell][trial] = Xmixmat info[cell][trial] = convergence # save, (info, mixmat, sep, result)) # store = info self.mixmat = mixmat self.sep = sep self.result = result
[docs] def calc_deltaf(self, freq, use_raw_f0=True, across_trials=True): """Calculate deltaf/f0 for raw and result traces. The results can be accessed as self.deltaf_raw and self.deltaf_result. self.deltaf_raw is only the ROI trace instead of the traces across all subregions. Parameters ---------- freq : float Imaging frequency, in Hz. use_raw_f0 : bool, optional If `True` (default), use an f0 estimate from the raw ROI trace for both raw and result traces. If `False`, use individual f0 estimates for each of the traces. across_trials : bool, optional If `True`, we estimate a single baseline f0 value across all trials. If `False`, each trial will have their own baseline f0, and df/f0 value will be relative to the trial-specific f0. Default is `True`. """ deltaf_raw = [[None for t in range(self.nTrials)] for c in range(self.nCell)] deltaf_result = np.copy(deltaf_raw) # loop over cells for cell in range(self.nCell): # if deltaf should be calculated across all trials if across_trials: # get concatenated traces raw_conc = np.concatenate(self.raw[cell], axis=1)[0, :] result_conc = np.concatenate(self.result[cell], axis=1) # calculate deltaf/f0 raw_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0(raw_conc, freq) raw_conc = (raw_conc - raw_f0) / raw_f0 result_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0( result_conc, freq, 1 ).T[:, None] if use_raw_f0: result_conc = (result_conc - result_f0) / raw_f0 else: result_conc = (result_conc - result_f0) / result_f0 # store deltaf/f0s curTrial = 0 for trial in range(self.nTrials): nextTrial = curTrial + self.raw[cell][trial].shape[1] signal = raw_conc[curTrial:nextTrial] deltaf_raw[cell][trial] = signal signal = result_conc[:, curTrial:nextTrial] deltaf_result[cell][trial] = signal curTrial = nextTrial else: # loop across trials for trial in range(self.nTrials): # get current signals raw_sig = self.raw[cell][trial][0, :] result_sig = self.result[cell][trial] # calculate deltaf/fo raw_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0(raw_sig, freq) result_f0 = deltaf.findBaselineF0( result_sig, freq, 1 ).T[:, None] result_f0[result_f0 < 0] = 0 raw_sig = (raw_sig - raw_f0) / raw_f0 if use_raw_f0: result_sig = (result_sig - result_f0) / raw_f0 else: result_sig = (result_sig - result_f0) / result_f0 # store deltaf/f0s deltaf_raw[cell][trial] = raw_sig deltaf_result[cell][trial] = result_sig self.deltaf_raw = deltaf_raw self.deltaf_result = deltaf_result
[docs] def save_to_matlab(self): """Save the results to a matlab file. Can be found in `folder/matlab.mat`. This will give you a filename.mat file which if loaded in Matlab gives the following structs: ROIs, result, raw. If df/f0 was calculated, these will also be stored as `df_result` and `df_raw`, which will have the same format as result and raw. These can be interfaced with as follows, for cell 0, trial 0: - `ROIs.cell0.trial0{1}` polygon for the ROI - `ROIs.cell0.trial0{2}` polygon for first neuropil region - `result.cell0.trial0(1,:)` final extracted cell signal - `result.cell0.trial0(2,:)` contaminating signal - `raw.cell0.trial0(1,:)` raw measured celll signal - `raw.cell0.trial0(2,:)` raw signal from first neuropil region """ # define filename fname = self.folder + '/matlab.mat' # initialize dictionary to save M = collections.OrderedDict() M['ROIs'] = collections.OrderedDict() M['raw'] = collections.OrderedDict() M['result'] = collections.OrderedDict() # loop over cells and trial for cell in range(self.nCell): # get current cell label c_lab = 'cell' + str(cell) # update dictionary M['ROIs'][c_lab] = collections.OrderedDict() M['raw'][c_lab] = collections.OrderedDict() M['result'][c_lab] = collections.OrderedDict() for trial in range(self.nTrials): # get current trial label t_lab = 'trial' + str(trial) # update dictionary M['ROIs'][c_lab][t_lab] = self.roi_polys[cell][trial] M['raw'][c_lab][t_lab] = self.raw[cell][trial] M['result'][c_lab][t_lab] = self.result[cell][trial] savemat(fname, M)