fissa.core module

Main user interface for FISSA.

class fissa.core.Experiment(images, rois, folder, nRegions=4, expansion=1, alpha=0.1, ncores_preparation=None, ncores_separation=None, method='nmf', lowmemory_mode=False, datahandler_custom=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Does all the steps for FISSA.

__init__(images, rois, folder, nRegions=4, expansion=1, alpha=0.1, ncores_preparation=None, ncores_separation=None, method='nmf', lowmemory_mode=False, datahandler_custom=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialisation. Set the parameters for your Fissa instance.

  • images (str or list) –

    The raw recording data. Should be one of:

    • the path to a directory containing TIFF files (string),
    • an explicit list of TIFF files (list of strings),
    • a list of array_like data already loaded into memory, each shaped (frames, y-coords, x-coords).

    Note that each TIFF/array is considered a single trial.

  • rois (str or list) –

    The roi definitions. Should be one of:

    • the path to a directory containing ImageJ ZIP files (string),
    • the path of a single ImageJ ZIP file (string),
    • a list of ImageJ ZIP files (list of strings),
    • a list of arrays, each encoding a ROI polygons,
    • a list of lists of binary arrays, each representing a ROI mask.

    This can either be a single roiset for all trials, or a different roiset for each trial.

  • folder (str) – Output path to a directory in which the extracted data will be stored.
  • nRegions (int, optional) – Number of neuropil regions to draw. Use a higher number for densely labelled tissue. Default is 4.
  • expansion (float, optional) – Expansion factor for the neuropil region, relative to the ROI area. Default is 1. The total neuropil area will be nRegions * expansion * area(ROI).
  • alpha (float, optional) – Sparsity regularizaton weight for NMF algorithm. Set to zero to remove regularization. Default is 0.1. (Not used for ICA method.)
  • ncores_preparation (int, optional (default: None)) – Sets the number of subprocesses to be used during the data preparation steps (ROI and subregions definitions, data extraction from tifs, etc.). If set to None (default), there will be as many subprocesses as there are threads or cores on the machine. Note that this behaviour can, especially for the data preparation step, be very memory-intensive.
  • ncores_separation (int, optional (default: None)) – Same as ncores_preparation, but for the separation step. Note that this step requires less memory per subprocess, and hence can often be set higher than ncores_preparation.
  • method ({'nmf', 'ica'}, optional) – Which blind source-separation method to use. Either ‘nmf’ for non-negative matrix factorization, or ‘ica’ for independent component analysis. Default (recommended) is ‘nmf’.
  • lowmemory_mode (bool, optional) – If True, FISSA will load TIFF files into memory frame-by-frame instead of holding the entire TIFF in memory at once. This option reduces the memory load, and may be necessary for very large inputs. Default is False.
  • datahandler_custom (object, optional) – A custom datahandler for handling ROIs and calcium data can be given here. See (the default handler) for an example.
calc_deltaf(freq, use_raw_f0=True, across_trials=True)[source]

Calculate deltaf/f0 for raw and result traces.

The results can be accessed as self.deltaf_raw and self.deltaf_result. self.deltaf_raw is only the ROI trace instead of the traces across all subregions.

  • freq (float) – Imaging frequency, in Hz.
  • use_raw_f0 (bool, optional) – If True (default), use an f0 estimate from the raw ROI trace for both raw and result traces. If False, use individual f0 estimates for each of the traces.
  • across_trials (bool, optional) – If True, we estimate a single baseline f0 value across all trials. If False, each trial will have their own baseline f0, and df/f0 value will be relative to the trial-specific f0. Default is True.

Save the results to a matlab file.

Can be found in folder/matlab.mat.

This will give you a filename.mat file which if loaded in Matlab gives the following structs: ROIs, result, raw.

If df/f0 was calculated, these will also be stored as df_result and df_raw, which will have the same format as result and raw.

These can be interfaced with as follows, for cell 0, trial 0:

  • ROIs.cell0.trial0{1} polygon for the ROI
  • ROIs.cell0.trial0{2} polygon for first neuropil region
  • result.cell0.trial0(1,:) final extracted cell signal
  • result.cell0.trial0(2,:) contaminating signal
  • raw.cell0.trial0(1,:) raw measured celll signal
  • raw.cell0.trial0(2,:) raw signal from first neuropil region
separate(redo_prep=False, redo_sep=False)[source]

Separate all the trials with FISSA algorithm.

After running separate, data can be found as follows:

Raw separation output, without being matched. Signal i for a specific cell and trial can be found as self.sep[cell][trial][i,:].
Final output, in order of presence in cell ROI. Signal i for a specific cell and trial can be found at self.result[cell][trial][i, :]. Note that the ordering is such that i = 0 is the signal most strongly present in the ROI, and subsequent entries are in diminishing order.
The mixing matrix (how to go between self.separated and self.raw from the separation_prep() function).
Information about separation routine, iterations needed, etc.
  • redo_prep (bool, optional) – Whether to redo the preparation. Default is False. Note that if this is true, we set redo_sep = True as well.
  • redo_sep (bool, optional) – Whether to redo the separation. Default is False. Note that this parameter is ignored if redo_prep is set to True.

Prepare and extract the data to be separated.

For each trial, performs the following steps:

  • Load in data as arrays
  • Load in ROIs as masks
  • Grow and seaparate ROIs to define neuropil regions
  • Using neuropil and original ROI regions, extract traces from data

After running this you can access the raw data (i.e. pre-separation) as self.raw and self.rois. self.raw is a list of arrays. self.raw[cell][trial] gives you the traces of a specific cell and trial, across cell and neuropil regions. self.roi_polys is a list of lists of arrays. self.roi_polys[cell][trial][region][0] gives you the polygon for the region for a specific cell, trial and region. region=0 is the cell, and region>0 gives the different neuropil regions. For separateable masks, it is possible multiple outlines are found, which can be accessed as self.roi_polys[cell][trial][region][i], where i is the outline index.

Parameters:redo (bool, optional) – If False, we load previously prepared data when possible. If True, we re-run the preparation, even if it has previously been run. Default is False.

Extract data using multiprocessing.

Parameters:inputs (list) –

list of inputs

  1. image array
  2. the rois
  3. number of neuropil regions
  4. how much larger neuropil region should be then central ROI
  • dict – Data across cells.
  • dict – Polygons for each ROI.

Extraction function for multiprocessing.

Parameters:inputs (list) –

list of inputs

  1. Array with signals to separate
  2. Alpha input to npil.separate
  3. Method
  4. Current ROI number
  • numpy.ndarray – The raw separated traces.
  • numpy.ndarray – The separated traces matched to the primary signal.
  • numpy.ndarray – Mixing matrix.
  • dict – Metadata for the convergence result.